SuperDawg Hot Dogs get their day on the TV (for better or worse) Obama loves ’em!

Maurie, Flaurie Berman! (the hot dogs who wear caveman clothes and want you to eat them) @Superdawg a Piece of Classic Chicago… They were on the TV in Chicago Monday Morning. FYI, it’s the french fries that should have the last word, they are the real deal.

Super Tuesday Super Vote Super Fat: Hungry can be fun!

Juicy Planet will not turn the TV on today until after most of the Presidential primary voting is finished. The 24 hour, forever-on, cable news media will be frothing over every possible story and proceed to say the same thing a hundred different ways between commercials. This is one of the most promising days in … More Super Tuesday Super Vote Super Fat: Hungry can be fun!

hillary clinton will be the next U.S. President

click for NY Times/Gloria Steinem article From the Department of Drifting Predictions and Predilections, comes the report that Hillary Clinton has been pretending to become the underdog in the U.S. Democratic Presidential primaries in an effort to shift the misogynistic dynamic that dominates the media and mainstream American culture. Anticipating not winning the Iowa caucuses … More hillary clinton will be the next U.S. President